Editor: Hardy Oelke, oehorse@t-online.de
General Info
The Sorraia horse was so named because these horses had their last stronghold in a wilderness area near the Portuguese river Sorraia. The zoologist Ruy d'Andrade discovered them in 1920. Read more…
Os Cavalos do Sorraia são os últimos descendentes do cavalo selvagem do sul da Península Ibérica que, aparentemente, sobreviveram no então inacessível vale do rio Sorraia em Portugal…
Zusammenfassung der Informationen über das Sorraia-Pferd, seine Entdeckung durch den portugiesischen Zoologen Ruy d'Andrade, Herkunft, Eigenschaften usw. Read more…
Because of the Sorraia's history and traits it is not a breed, but a subspecies, and probably a variant of the Tarpan. Read more…
The Sorraia is a small horse, typically of grulla color. Its "trademark" is a convex or subconvex head profile. Read more…
What influence did the Sorraia have on domestic breeds, Iberian breeds in particular? Especially Lusitanos often show obvious Sorraia traits. Read more…
Another Breed
Why is it wrong to declare the Sorraia a "breed"? The double standards being used by those whose bias makes them consider Sorraia horses a breed. Read more…
Dun Factor/White
If the Sorraia was perpetuated as a dun factor horse, that doesn't make it any more a color breed than Przewalski's horses. White markings can occur for a variety of resons. Read more…
Total Population
The total population size of the Sorraia horse is alarmingly small, especially if one considers the extreme inbreeding it has already suffered. Read more…
A Breed by now?
Even if the founding horses were true wild horses, is the Sorraia not a breed by now, after it has been bred under the control by Man for decades? Read more…
What Can They Do?
Sorraias can be tamed and used as riding or carriage horses. Read more…
Questions and Answers
There is a lot on the internet that discredits the Sorraia as a primitive horse and subspecies, resp. as a descendant of a native wild horse. Read comments in response to those statements…
The zebro or encebro was a wild horse in Portugal resp. Spain. The Sorraia horse is considered to be a remnant of it and the closest to it that we have today. Read more…
Vale d. Zebro Refuge
There is only one place where Sorraias still live wild, the Vale de Zebro Refuge in Portugal. Read more…
Wonderful and informative books for sale on the topics of Sorraia horse, wild horses in general, and America's mustangs. Read more…
Sorraias in America
Several Sorraias have been shipped to the Americas—Oregon, Wisconsin, Ontario and Brazil. Read more…
Ruy d'Andrade
Dr Ruy d'Andrade was a remarkable Portuguese scientist, horse expert, politician, and more. His most valuable legacy may be the rescue of the Sorraia horse. Read about his life…
For Sale
Occasionally, Sorraias become for sale. You may get more information here…